Grievance Redressal Module !

Empowering Voices, Resolving Concerns: The Grievance Redressal Module – Your University's Dedicated Platform for Transparent, Timely, and Effective Resolution, Enhancing Student Support and Campus Harmony Within the ERP Ecosystem.

GNUMS Grievance Redressal Module

Module Features

Seamlessly address and resolve student concerns through our integrated Grievance Redressal Module within the ERP system, ensuring transparency, timely actions, and campus harmony.

  • Escalation Mechanism

    A mechanism for escalating grievances to higher authorities if they are not resolved satisfactorily within a stipulated time.

  • Anonymity Option

    Allow users to submit grievances anonymously if they prefer, while still ensuring the credibility of the submission.

  • Communication Channel

    A built-in messaging or chat system that enables seamless communication between students, faculty, and the grievance handling team.

  • Categorization

    The ability to categorize grievances based on different criteria such as department, severity, nature of the concern, etc.

  • Tracking and Monitoring

    Streamline the grievance handling process by automating certain steps, ensuring timely escalation, and assigning responsibilities to the appropriate personnel.

  • Dashboard & Analytics

    Provide administrators with a dashboard to monitor the overall status of grievances, track response times, identify recurring issues, and generate reports for data-driven decision-making.

  • Grievance Submission

    An option for users to submit their grievances online, providing detailed information about the issue, attaching relevant documents if needed.

  • User-Friendly Interface

    A clean and intuitive interface that allows students, faculty, and staff to easily navigate and access the grievance module.

  • Workflow Automation

    Streamline the grievance handling process by automating certain steps, ensuring timely escalation, and assigning responsibilities to the appropriate personnel.

  • Security and Data Privacy

    Implement robust security measures to protect sensitive user data and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.

Grievance Redressal Module Process Flow

Submit Grievance, Categorize, Assign, Review, Investigate, Communicate, Resolve, Escalate If Needed, Close, Analyze, Report, Improve. Seamless ERP support.

  • 1

    Grievance Submission

    User submits grievance through the online platform. Provides details, attaches documents if necessary.

  • 2

    Initial Assessment

    System categorizes grievance based on predefined criteria (e.g., nature, severity). Assigns a unique reference number.

  • 3


    Grievance is assigned to the appropriate department or personnel. Automated or manual assignment based on category.

  • 4

    Review and Acknowledgment

    Assigned personnel review the grievance. Acknowledges receipt to the user.

  • 5

    Investigation and Documentation

    Personnel conduct a thorough investigation. Gather evidence, interview involved parties, if needed. Maintain a detailed record of the investigation process.

  • 6

    Escalation (If Required)

    If the user is not satisfied or the grievance remains unresolved, escalate to higher authorities.