Accounting Module !

Accounting is a key component of business management and is in charge of keeping track of and documenting financial transactions. It offers information about a company's financial health, allowing for well-informed decision-making and adherence to legal requirements.

GNUMS Fee Module

Module Features

The list of different features of the Accounting module are...

  • Financial Transactions

    Users of the accounting module can enter, classify, and keep track of financial transactions such as transfers, expenses, and revenue.

  • Account Reconciliation

    It makes financial account reconciliation possible, ensuring that recorded transactions and real account balances are in agreement..

  • Budgeting

    Users can create budgets and monitor how well they stick to their financial objectives.

  • Tax Management

    It helps in calculating and managing taxes, making tax season less stressful for users.

  • Bank Integration

    Integration with banks or financial institutions for automated transaction imports and account reconciliation.

  • Automated Reminders

    Sends reminders for bill payments, invoices, and other financial obligations.